Wednesday, March 4, 2009

don't stand so close to me

So I work in a church. Not a big church, nor a small church. Just a regular sized church. With a child care program.

However, we are a stone throws away from a super mega church. An on-the-tv-Sunday-morning-yelling-about-Jesus mega church.

People literally uproot their whole lives and travel from around the country to be a part of this church. To minister from this church. To be a part of the educational arm of this church.

They live their life in near poverty in to a part of this church.

And the funny thing is ...

If it isn't Sunday morning - they have no access to this church.

Countless times, lost souls have turned up at our church, looking for gas money or food, or just to talk to someone. And they have been turned away from the super mega church. Not even allowed to enter the building.

So, therein lies a conflict of interest for me.

I work in a building that has 65 ish children inside of it. I know that there are bad people in the world. People who have bad intentions and will often times act on those intentions.

So while I feel for the ones who are needy, and looking for someone to talk to or someone to help them out, I can't ignore the fact that I have people's children in my care. And if something were to happen because of a decision I made - well, I would rather not think of that.

I tell this story because this morning (before I get to work) that a gentleman came to the door and requested to use the bathroom. He had apparently traveled from out of state to come to the Super Mega Church but was having issue getting in.

One staff member told him that she couldn't let him in, and another staff member felt that the man was genuine in his need and let him in the building.

The first staff member informs several other staff members and text messages are being sent and I am officially freaking out.

The man spends a good 30 minutes in the bathroom and after I arrive with a large screwdriver in my back pocket, he finally emerges and is politely shown the door.

So we had a heart to heart with the staff members that we are not letting transients from California in to bathe in our bathrooms so they look good when they go over to the super mega church.

This was on Post Secret last week and I thought it was funny.

I would go to church too if Jim was the pastor.


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