Thursday, February 26, 2009


Tomorrow is Friday and there couldn't be better news in my opinion.

This has been a trying week.

I finally succumbed to the bug that is spreading at work. I have spent an overwhelming amount of time trying not to die. My sinuses couldn't decide if they wanted to be completely plugged or if they wanted to be completely and painfully dry. My throat has been equally unpleasant.

My heart is also sad with the news that my moms beagle Jake has hemangiosarcoma

Not only am I sad that Jake is very ill, but it is a terrible reminder of just how short our dogs lives are.

I cannot stand to think about losing my dogs. But I know that the time will come when we will have to make the terrible decision to help them to the bridge and the thought terrifies and sickens me.

Hug your dogos tonight.

1 comment:

  1. There is my widdle "Jakie"...who is breaking my heart more each day...with this blasted sickness...known as doggie cancer....

    I so hate it that he has this...he is such a sweet, gentle dog...wouldn't hurt a flea...and to have to go this way is just so terrible.

    From the sad mom of Jakie
