Thursday, May 28, 2009

Why does it say paperjam when there is no paperjam?

Reasons I am not feeling my place of employment right now:

1. Lack of functioning air conditioning
2. The color printer/copier does not print in English. It is some sort of Arabic font.
3. Dead people down the street.
4. Lack of leadership willing to be assertive.

I am fixing to go Office Space on this place.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I've Seen Enough

The birthday is over. It was a mediocre event made significantly better by some good friends who I happen to work with. Cake, italian food, and a group of 5 year olds singing Happy Birthday made up for everything else.

Yesterday marked the annual field trip to the Columbus Zoo, or as I like to call it "Who Thought This Was a Good Idea?" Trip. The WTTWAGI Trip always seems exciting in the days leading up to the event.

Baby Elephants!



In reality it is a pointless excursion that involves a very cranky child locked into a stroller, too short to see over the rail at the bears. It also involves going into a food court that apparently feeds the entire population of Franklin County, fighting for a dirty table, standing in line for 58 minutes to get a cold slice of pizza.

And you know what else? The train ride is ALWAYS broke. Never mind the fact that while you were walking up the damn hill to get to the train station you see it running. With people on it. By the time you get to the depot to buy tickets, it is no longer in service. So then, you have to walk down the damn hill, with the kid in the stroller who does not understand why they can't ride the train. The kid who is hot, tired, hungry, and too short to see over the railing.

So, you say, lets stop at the pretzel stand. We will get a pretzel and an ICEE and that will make up for the lack of a functioning train ride through the zoo. So, you stand in line, and of course you are behind "those people". The ones who are only capable of communicating with their children by SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS so loud that the meerkats on the other side of the zoo twist their heads in confusion. By the way, they are out of pretzels.

By this time, the children in strollers are typically in a dark, quiet room, laying on a cot, listening to lullabies for a nice two hour nap. By this time, they don't care about the Baby Elephant, or the train. Their kind parents who have naively volunteered to chaperone a field trip are wondering what the hell they were thinking and how soon can they leave without looking bad.

So, you decide that you have had all the fun you can possibly stand in one day and you make your way to the exit. You wonder how come the car seems SO far away. You barely have time to unstrap the kid from the stroller and strap them into their car seats before they are snoring.

In the midst of it all, you thank the great Flying Spaghetti Monster that no one was lost or stolen, that there is indeed a Starbucks with a drive thru on the way home, and that you didn't get arrested while taking a picture of a misspelled word on the back of a bathroom stall.

All in all a great day.

Monday, May 18, 2009

I'm Afraid of Americans

There is something about the mention of "shaving your soft palate and uvula" that makes a CPAP machine suddenly seem a much more pleasant option.

Went to the ENT today and he told me that even if he did the aforementioned procedures, along with removing my tonsils and adenoids, there was no guarantee that I will see all of my apnea symptoms go away. So, I suppose I will be calling the sleep doctor and telling her that I won't be having surgery and would like (?) to try the CPAP machine.

Last Thursday brought the disturbing news that a man who lived down the road from my school was found murdered in his home. Apparently he had been deceased since Tuesday. There hasn't been much information released, other than the fact that it happened, but I have a hunch that it was drug related. The thing that bothers me (other than people being shot in my general vicinity) is that after the day the incident happens, you don't hear anything more about it. I suppose that is just the nature of the news outlets.

Klaus is doing very well after his surgery on his tail. I am still amazed how resilient he is. Every once in a while he will bump his little nub on something or Lola will nip at it and he will yelp. We are hoping that the hair will grow back quickly, so it won't look so strange.

The Husband and I went to the movie theater this past weekend and saw the Angels and Demons movie. I had already read the book, so I knew how it ended, but I still really enjoyed the movie. Ewan McGregor is one of my favorites and I really want to go to Italy.

My 28th birthday is quickly approaching. I have been out of High School for 10 years. Today, I feel old.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Kingdom of Rust

I have been remiss in posting updates. Not sure that anyone has missed them, but at any rate, here is news from the land of Amy.

Dog News: Lola has been doing really well with her current dosage of Pheno. I hope that we continue to be seizure free.

Klaus had surgery last Thursday on his tail. We opted to amputate a large portion of the tail to prevent reinjury.

He has done so well with his recovery, barely bothering at the bandaging at all. We go on the 11th to have the stitches taken out. Hopefully then we will be on the road to a drama free summer.

People News: I had a sleep study done a few weeks ago. Turns out I will be needing another one done to try out a CPAP machine. (This is my sad face) I am very concerned that I will be facing surgery to remove my tonsils and adenoids sooner than later.

Good times.