Thursday, February 12, 2009

Things on my desk

I should be cleaning off my desk.

I do my best to keep some sort of order in my workspace, but find myself failing on an almost daily basis.

I don't really think it is my fault, either.

I deal with a lot of paper work. Most courtesy of the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services. A large part of my job is to make sure that all of the children have the correct forms in their file. All forms must be updated annually. Forms may be subject to being completely changed by ODJFS at any given time.

Which means I get to start all over again.

I also am in charge of the teachers files. This means all of their background checks, statements of non conviction, training hours, medical statements and tax forms.

I think I have a pretty good system going. However, things get left on my desk and I am never really sure where they come from. Like post it notes with names and phone numbers. Thermometers. Little sticky foam hearts. Half completed forms from parents who don't apparently realize that there is, indeed, a whole back side that needs to be filled out.

So, I could get to cleaning my desk off, but I am sure there is something on that needs my attention more urgently.

1 comment:

  1. Hello my amos.....I found you.....ha ha....

    Love The Mom
