Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Today, more than ever, I am so glad that I am out of the situation I was in last year.

I am so glad that I work in an environment where children are not expected to be perfect little prototypes. Where children are encouraged and expected to be individuals. Just like in the real world where adults are not all the same. The kids I work with are different and have isms and likes and dislikes.

And the people I work with are expected to find ways to mold those isms and likes and dislikes into a day that is full of learning and care-giving and support. A day that may be challenging and possibly difficult for the adult. But a day that in the end, will benefit the child.

The people I work with know that there is a very real chance that they might be the only person who provides encouragement and care to a child that day. They know that they are fulfilling a vitally important role in that child's life.

It breaks my heart when I hear about people who work with kids who don't really like kids. People who are grossed out by the runny noses and who are pissed off when the kids are not perfectly compliant.

People who are robbing kids of having every experience that childhood should offer them.

What a freaking shame.

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