Thursday, June 11, 2009

Friends in Low Places

I am certain that if you have ever read any of my previous blogs, you are aware of the complete and utter FAIL of the building I work in. We haven't had proper and consistent air conditioning or heat since the great fire alarm debacle of March.

Because I am employed by The Lord, we do not use actual repairmen to fix our problems. We use friends of friends who may have, at one point in time, looked at an air conditioning unit. One of my favorite friend of a friend "repairman" is named Jim* (named changed to protect the innocent). Jim has been out several times to fix our HVAC issues. Jim is missing several teeth, has a fondness of Mt. Dew, and often times smells of body odor.

Jim also has no real clue of how to actually fix a commercial air conditioner. So yesterday when Jim came to my office and declared that the ac for the toddler room was in fact working, I was a bit skeptical. Then he told me that the reason it was so hot in the toddler rooms was because the thermostat in the janitors closet was not kicking on because it was so cold in the closet.

At this point my brain had a minor explosion and I pointed out that the thermostat that controls the toddler rooms is not in the janitors closet, but (wait for it) ... is in the TODDLER ROOM.

So we fought for a good 5 minutes about this at which point I decided that the impending stroke was not worth it and I went back to my office to calm myself.

Jim apparently is not a big fan of the women folk having an opinion and called his boss (who is a board member ie. friend of a friend) and expressed his displeasure with my interference in his genius work. The pastor comes this morning to talk to me and I explain the idiocy that took place yesterday and my displeasure with having to coach the HVAC man how HVAC things worked. I believe the phrase "not in my job description" was used.

So he said that he understood and to let Jim know if he had questions, to call the board member or himself. Novel fucking idea eh?

and that's why it's good to be .....


1 comment:

  1. Uh.. Hi Amy.It's Heather Chute. This is almost stalker-esque, but I thought of you and went to your myspace, and found my way here. I wonder if you would email me at I have a question for you about a SUPER small choir I'm singing with this summer that needs a freakin' awesome soprano, which, if you email me back, I may have found! ;)
