Monday, May 18, 2009

I'm Afraid of Americans

There is something about the mention of "shaving your soft palate and uvula" that makes a CPAP machine suddenly seem a much more pleasant option.

Went to the ENT today and he told me that even if he did the aforementioned procedures, along with removing my tonsils and adenoids, there was no guarantee that I will see all of my apnea symptoms go away. So, I suppose I will be calling the sleep doctor and telling her that I won't be having surgery and would like (?) to try the CPAP machine.

Last Thursday brought the disturbing news that a man who lived down the road from my school was found murdered in his home. Apparently he had been deceased since Tuesday. There hasn't been much information released, other than the fact that it happened, but I have a hunch that it was drug related. The thing that bothers me (other than people being shot in my general vicinity) is that after the day the incident happens, you don't hear anything more about it. I suppose that is just the nature of the news outlets.

Klaus is doing very well after his surgery on his tail. I am still amazed how resilient he is. Every once in a while he will bump his little nub on something or Lola will nip at it and he will yelp. We are hoping that the hair will grow back quickly, so it won't look so strange.

The Husband and I went to the movie theater this past weekend and saw the Angels and Demons movie. I had already read the book, so I knew how it ended, but I still really enjoyed the movie. Ewan McGregor is one of my favorites and I really want to go to Italy.

My 28th birthday is quickly approaching. I have been out of High School for 10 years. Today, I feel old.

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