Friday, August 28, 2009


I haven't written in 3 months. The summer got away from me. It was not what I expected it to be. Things seldom are, right?

As of late, I have been saturated with negativity. I am doing my best to prevent taking so much of that on. It is difficult for me, because I already tend to be on the cynical side.

It takes VERY little for me to be a crabby, sarcastic, glass-half-empty witch.

But I want to remind you people out there, if there are any of you actually reading this: niceness matters.

Small acts of kindness matter.

Rushing to judgment is not ok. Projecting your lack of life enjoyment on others is not ok.

My list of "ok" things:
-Loving your dogs, to the point where they eat better than you and you are reluctant to clean the inside of the windows in your car, because their nose art is pretty rad.
-Loving music, listening to it at your desk, in the car, while you are in the shower.
-Watching a reality tv show. And looking forward to the nights it comes on.
-Salt and Vinegar Kettle Chips.

I am trying real hard to add to that list. I really wish others would follow my lead on that.